5 Most Common Digestive Issues Found in Dogs

5 Most Common Digestive Issues Found in Dogs:-We love our dogs more than anything else in the world. The way they meet us at the door with wagging tails, ready to make us feel better when we get home after being tired. Because dogs are emotional partners and full of life, it hurts to see our furry baby sick. We only want to take away their pain and let them be cute and silly. We feel terrible when we hear our dog yelping in pain at midnight. It can be hard to tell what will happen with your dog’s gut system. Some digestive problems in dogs can be fixed with easy digestive supplements. Other health problems, on the other hand, may need a more active approach to treatment. If you know when to get help right away, you can handle things better before they get worse. Your dog may be having gut problems or indigestion for a number of different reasons. Here are some of the most common ones that people see.

5 Most Common Digestive Issues Found in Dogs


(1) Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

  • IBD, which stands for “inflammatory bowel disease,” is a long-term inflammation of the intestines that can affect a dog’s stomach and intestines. When the infected cells get into your dog’s stomach and digestive system, they change the intestine wall. This makes it hard for the dog to absorb food normally. It’s more like a condition than a disease. Dogs with IBD usually have diarrhea or puking all the time. People with IBD usually have problems with their stomach or gut, but sometimes it can affect other parts of the digestive system.


  • IBD can’t be cured, but it can be managed by changing what you eat and taking medicines like antibiotics and steroids as recommended. Because every dog with IBD is different, it might be hard to figure out what exactly needs to be done. We know you don’t want to see your pet hurt, but it will take time to find the best treatment plan for your dog. Depending on the test results, changes to the diet may be recommended. You may also be given immunosuppressant drugs, but you need to be careful when taking these drugs because they can have side effects. It might take a few weeks for the treatment to start working. Based on test results, your vet will suggest a diet. This could include giving your dog high-fiber food, stopping them from eating, cutting back on fats, and carbs.


(2) Esophageal discomfort

  • Is your dog’s favorite chicken treat making him sick? Well, there are many reasons, such as pain in the esophagus (food tube). It means that the esophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the stomach, is inflamed on both the inside and outside. Esophageal soreness can be caused by a number of things, such as acid reflux or something getting stuck in the throat. When a dog has esophageal pain, the most common sign is trouble eating or swallowing. Your pet might throw up after eating or act funny when they’re swallowing.


  • Because the oesophagus is close to the stomach, problems with digestion are often what cause esophagitis in dogs. The oesophagus can also get sore from stomach acid. Canine esophagitis could also be caused by other things, like throwing up, drooling, losing your hunger, having trouble swallowing, or losing weight.


  • The signs that a dog’s esophagus is hurting depend on how inflamed it is. Your dog might not show any signs at all or only mild ones for a few weeks or months. The signs and symptoms might get worse over time. Other signs to look out for are not being able to lie down, pain in the neck and throat, fever, drooling, or crying when swallowing.


  • The most common type of treatment is medication, but sometimes surgery is needed. There are many ways to reduce inflammation in the esophagus, and changing what you eat is one of them. The stomach will heal faster if you limit the amount of food and drinks you drink. A vet might tell you to feed your pet a diet that is low in fat and high in carbs and proteins.


  • Changing the dog’s food for good is the first and most important thing that needs to be done to relieve esophageal pain. You might need to switch from kibble to the best, most edible dog food available. Esophageal pain gets worse when your dog eats high-fat foods, so keep them away from them. See a doctor if the pain doesn’t go away.


Also read:-How to get your dog to lose weight

(3) Intestinal parasites

  • Lots of things could be making your furry friend not want to eat his favorite dog food. One reason could be that he has intestinal bugs. Most of the time, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, Giardia, and coccidia are found in a dog’s bowels. It is very important to find these bugs early and treat your dog as a safety measure.
    An intestinal bug can get into a dog’s body in a number of different ways. Most of the time, it spreads when your dog eats parasite eggs or spores that are in the ground, water, feces, or food.


  • Only tapeworms and roundworms can be seen with the naked eye. Most gut parasites are too small to see and live inside the stomach. To find tapeworms in a pet’s stool or near the rectum, look for them. To find roundworms, look for them in the stool or vomit. You can keep an eye out for signs like scooting, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and coughing every once in a while.


  • Even though the thought of your pet having intestinal bugs might make you feel sick, they can be cleared up. It is very important to keep your dogs on parasite medicine and check their poop at least once a year.
    Making your pet drink more water, exercise, and give himself enemas are all easy things you can do at home to help him get rid of constipation. There is an easy way to make sure your dog is free of parasites: take him to the vet at least once a year for a check-up.

(4) Constipation

  • Dog constipation is a common intestinal condition. If your dog has irregular, difficult, or no bowel movements, he may have this condition.
    Many things can cause dog constipation. Common symptoms include indigestible drug intake. Constipation can result from a low-fiber diet, dehydration, stress, inactivity, and pelvic trauma. Slowing down the feces process causes dogs’ feces to harden and become impenetrable.
    Most dogs have at least one bowel movement each day, possibly more depending on their food and feeding frequency. Your constipated dog may try to poop multiple times. If the disease is severe, your dog may circle, scoot, crouch, whine, or howl.


  • Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, mucus or watery stools, and weight loss are further symptoms. Pressing their stomach or lower back may make constipated dogs whine or snarl. Therapy, enema (injections), manual removal, and medication can manage most constipation. Constipation symptoms may lead the vet to propose low- or high-fibre dog food. Psychology-related constipation in dogs may require behavioral training.

(5) Colitis

  • The term “colitis.” covers colon or large intestine disorders. Although an emergency department visit is unnecessary, see your vet. Reabsorbing water from feces, breaking down microorganisms, and producing vitamins are the colon’s main functions. When the colon is upset, your dog may pass watery, bloody feces.


  • As with humans, various factors cause colitis in dogs. If your dog suddenly has colitis, it may be stress. It could also be attributed to unexpected dog treat and food changes. Inflammatory bowel illness, foreign body ingestion, allergies, and pharmaceutical reactions can all cause canine colitis.


  • Your dog cannot communicate, therefore you must use their behavior to assess their health. Colitis causes diarrhoea. Blood or mucus in stools, dehydration, gas, weight loss, and abdominal or lower pain are some symptoms.


  • Acute colitis is easiest to treat with fibre-rich dog food and water. Do not feed your dog foreign objects. If colitis persists, see a vet and start therapy. If your dog has colitis, keep him from eating unhealthy stuff on walks. You could also fast your dog for two days.


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