The Best Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake Recipe

This is the best gluten-free chocolate cake that doesn't have any added sugar or dairy. 


Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake: – 1 cup full-fat canned coconut milk – 1 Tbsp cider vinegar – 2 Tbsp instant coffee granules or instant espresso – 1 cup boiling water – 1 3/4 cups gluten-free all-purpose flour leveled – 3/4 cup raw cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder – 1 1/3 cups coconut sugar* – 2 tsp baking soda – 1 tsp baking powder – 1 1/2 tsp sea salt – 1/2 cup avocado oil or olive oil – 2 large eggs at room temperature – 1 tsp pure vanilla extract – 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips optional Dark Chocolate Ganache: – 1 cup full-fat canned coconut milk – 8 ounces dark chocolate I use two 85% chocolate bars** – 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup – 1 pinch sea salt to taste

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Prepare two 8-inch cake pans with butter and parchment. Mix vinegar and coconut milk in a bowl. Wait 10 minutes.  

Step 1


Place Instant Coffee granules in a measuring cup with one cup of boiling water. This makes one cup coffee. Make one coffee. Let cool before touching. 

Step 2

In a large bowl, mix cocoa powder, coconut sugar, baking soda, sea salt, and gluten-free flour. Put away. Combine 2 teaspoons flour and chocolate chips in a measuring cup. Flour the chips to prevent cake dippage. 

Step 3

Bowl together eggs, vanilla, avocado oil, and coconut milk. Whisk wet ingredients on medium-high speed with an electric hand whisk or by hand. 

Step 4

Pour hot water or coffee into the dry ingredients bowl. Whisk wet ingredients or beat slowly. Add chocolate chips and stir. 

Step 5

Pour batter into both cake pans equally. Bake 23–26 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Take cake temperature with an instant-read thermometer. They reach 190–200°F inside. 

Step 6

Remove cakes from oven and place on wire rack. Springform cakes must cool completely. Create chocolate buttercream while cakes bake or cool. 

Step 7

Place a cooled spring form cake on a cake stand or large plate. Cover cake with thick chocolate buttercream.  

Step 8

Two-tiered cakes are made by adding a second cake to buttercream. Spread remaining buttercream on cake. Liberal or conservative based on buttercream love. 

Step 9

Prepare Ganache: Prepare chocolate ganache. Mix cut chocolate bars in a bowl. Tiny chocolate pieces make ganache faster. 

Step 10

Heat coconut milk in microwave or stove until hot but not boiling. Leave coconut milk in chocolate chip bowl for 1 minute. This simplifies chocolate melting. Make chocolate creamy and clump-free.  

Step 11

Try sea salt and pure maple syrup. I recommend 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup for 85%+ dark chocolate. Use chocolate ganache on chocolate buttercream. 

Step 12

Cakes can have chocolate bar shavings or grated. Have a big soy or milk drink. 

Step 13

See Also

See Also

Almond Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars Recipe