Galette With Strawberries Recipe

Rustic galette; juicy, sun-kissed strawberries in a flaky, golden crust balance sweetness and tartness. Rubbarb jam adds shine and fruitiness. 

– 1 ½ cup all-purpose flour – 4 tablespoon granulated sugar – ¼ teaspoon salt – ½ cup cold butter  – 4 tablespoon ice cold water – 14 ounces fresh strawberries  – 1 tablespoon granulated sugar – 2 teaspoon cornstarch



Paste cold butter cubes for a few minutes until crumbly. Put ice water in. Mix. Carefully knead everything into dough.  

Green Blob


Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 30–40 minutes. While waiting, quarter large strawberries and half smaller ones.  

Green Blob


You can use a dinner plate to get perfect edges. Carefully transfer the dough to the wax or parchment-lined baking tray after cutting around it. 

Green Blob


Sprinkle cornflour on the galette centre. Filling strawberry. Slice strawberries and place them on the dough centre, leaving a 2-inch border. 

Green Blob


Cover the fruit with the edges gently folded. Secure filling gently. Try pinching dough to close holes. Brush egg yolk on the galette edges and sprinkle 1 tablespoon brown sugar.  

Green Blob


Serve with vanilla ice cream and fresh mint leaves. Sprinkle lemon zest on strawberries before baking or lemon juice on the galette to balance the sweetness. 

Green Blob


Rustic Apple Galette With Caramel Sauce Recipe 

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